Our advice is to slow down. With stamina, shooting can be somewhat more comfortable this year. Profit from 2k22 mt that by playing a little in a conservative manner and you'll get better results.
If you're an offline player, one of the most important tips is to make use of the improvements Visual Concepts made to AI assist in defend. Prior to AI, defenders would attack you with an axe and leave their player open. This made it simpler to hunt three from the sidelines if you had trouble scoring.
In 2K22 there are defenders who don't appear to be as violent as they do in 2K21 which allows you to play an exciting pick-and-roll that feels more authentically like an NBA game. The trick is taking note of the defense and making the right decision. If you request your center to set a pick and his opponent switches to you, then throw the ball to the big man and let him take on the mt for sale 2k22 smaller player. If they do not switch and you're left with an open the lane. Make it to the bucket, and hit a layup or be fouled.